This page covers the various policies that are in place for our visitors and cover the usage of this website
Safeguarding Policy 2022/2023
The following policy was agreed at the Parochial Church Council (PCC) meeting held on 8th November 2022
In accordance with the Church of England Safeguarding Policy our church is committed to:
• Promoting a safer environment and culture.
• Safely recruiting and supporting all those with any responsibility related to children, young people and vulnerable adults within the church.
• Responding promptly to every safeguarding concern or allegation.
• Caring pastorally for victims/survivors of abuse and other affected persons.
• Caring pastorally for those who are the subject of concerns or allegations of abuse and other affected persons.
• Responding to those that may pose a present risk to others.
The Parish will:
• Create a safe and caring place for all.
• Have a named Parish Safeguarding Officer (PSO) to work with the incumbent and the PCC to implement policy and procedures.
• Safely recruit, train and support all those with any responsibility for children, young people and adults to have the confidence and skills to recognise and respond to abuse.
• Ensure that there is appropriate insurance cover for all activities involving children and adults undertaken in the name of the parish.
• Display in church premises and on the Parish website the details of who to contact if there are safeguarding concerns or support needs.
• Listen to and take seriously all those who disclose abuse.
• Take steps to protect children and adults when a safeguarding concern of any kind arises, following House of Bishops guidance, including notifying the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser (DSA) and statutory agencies immediately.
• Offer support to victims/survivors of abuse regardless of the type of abuse, when or where it occurred.
• Care for and monitor any member of the church community who may pose a risk to children and adults whilst maintaining appropriate confidentiality and the safety of all parties.
• Ensure that health and safety policy, procedures and risk assessments are in place and that these are reviewed annually.
• Review the implementation of the Safeguarding Policy, Procedures and Practices at least annually.
Each person who works within this church community will agree to abide by this policy and the guidelines established by this church. This church appoints June Freeman as the Parish Safeguarding Officer.
The following are details of people who can be contacted for safeguarding issues:
To be appointed
01787 372398
01787 827135
Phone:07970495654 email:
Karen Gallaway: 07785621319
Outside Agencies that may be helpful
Get advice and support from NSPCC
Talk to our experts on 0808 800 5000 if you're worried about a child or need advice or information about child protection.
For confidential information and advice please contact our Freephone Stop it Now!
0808 1000 900
For Childline
Incumbent ...................................................................
Churchwardens ............................................................................................................
Date: 8th November 2022
The policy has been signed by the incumbent and the two churchwardens and is displayed at the back of the church.
Data Protection Policy:
The Parochial Church Council (PCC) of St. Gregory with St. Peter and Chilton(St. Gregory’s), Sudbury and the Incumbent of St. Gregory’s
1. Your personal data – what is it?
Personal data relates to a living individual who can be identified from that data. Identification can be by the information alone or in conjunction with any other information in the data controller’s possession or likely to come into such possession. The processing of personal data is governed by the General Data Protection Regulation (the “GDPR”).
2. Who are we?
The PCC of St Gregory’s is a data controller (contact details below) and so is the parish priest. This means they decide how your personal data is processed and for what purposes.
3. How do we process your personal data?
The PCC of St. Gregory’s, Sudbury complies with its obligations under the “GDPR” by keeping personal data up to date; by storing and destroying it securely; by not collecting or retaining excessive amounts of data; by protecting personal data from loss, misuse, unauthorised access and disclosure and by ensuring that appropriate technical measures are in place to protect personal data.
We use your personal data for the following purposes: -
• The parish priest uses it to provide pastoral care to parishioners
• To enable us to provide a voluntary service for the benefit of the public in a particular geographical area as specified in our constitution;
• To administer membership records;
• To fundraise and promote the interests of the charity;
• To manage our employees and volunteers;
• To maintain our own accounts and records (including the processing of gift aid applications);
• To inform you of news, events, activities and services running at St Gregory’s.
4. What is the legal basis for processing your personal data?
• Explicit consent of the data subject so that we can keep you informed about news, events, activities and services and keep you informed about diocesan events.
• Processing is necessary for carrying out legal obligations in relation to Gift Aid or under employment, social security or social protection law, or a collective agreement;
• Processing is carried out by a not-for-profit body with a political, philosophical, religious or trade union aim provided: -
o the processing relates only to members or former members (or those who have regular contact with it in connection with those purposes); and
o there is no disclosure to a third party without consent.
5. Sharing your personal data
Your personal data will be treated as strictly confidential and will only be shared with other members of the church in order to carry out a service to other church members or for purposes connected with the church. We will only share your data with third parties outside of the parish with your consent.
6. How long do we keep your personal data ?
We keep data in accordance with the guidance set out in the guide “Keep or Bin: Care of Your Parish Records” which is available from the Church of England website [see footnote for link].
Specifically, we retain electoral roll data while it is still current; gift aid declarations and associated paperwork for up to 6 years after the calendar year to which they relate; and parish registers (baptisms, marriages, funerals) permanently.
7. Your rights and your personal data
Unless subject to an exemption under the GDPR, you have the following rights with respect to your personal data: -
• The right to request a copy of your personal data which the PCC of St Gregory’s, Sudbury holds about you;
• The right to request that the PCC of St Gregory’s, Sudbury corrects any personal data if it is found to be inaccurate or out of date;
• The right to request your personal data is erased where it is no longer necessary for the PCC of St Gregory’s, Sudbury to retain such data;
• The right to withdraw your consent to the processing at any time
• The right to request that the data controller provide the data subject with his/her personal data and where possible, to transmit that data directly to another data controller, (known as the right to data portability), (where applicable) [Only applies where the processing is based on consent or is necessary for the performance of a contract with the data subject and in either case the data controller processes the data by automated means].
• The right, where there is a dispute in relation to the accuracy or processing of your personal data, to request a restriction is placed on further processing;
• The right to object to the processing of personal data, (where applicable) [Only applies where processing is based on legitimate interests (or the performance of a task in the public interest/exercise of official authority); direct marketing and processing for the purposes of scientific/historical research and statistics]
• The right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioners Office.
8. Further processing
If we wish to use your personal data for a new purpose, not covered by this Data Protection Notice, then we will provide you with a new notice explaining this new use prior to commencing the processing and setting out the relevant purposes and processing conditions. Where and whenever necessary, we will seek your prior consent to the new processing.
9. Contact Details
To exercise all relevant rights, queries or complaints please in the first instance contact the PCC Secretary / Parish Administrator at PCC Secretary, Mrs. Richenda Arbuthnot 35, Acton Lane, Sudbury, CO10 1QW, Email: Tel: 01787 374880
Parish Administrator: Mrs. Susan Lowery, c/o The Rectory, Christopher Lane, Sudbury, CO10 2AS, Email: , Tel: 01787 375027
You can contact the Information Commissioners Office on 0303 123 1113 or via email or at the Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire. SK9 5AF.
Cookie Policy:
This site uses cookies - small text files that are placed on your machine to help the site provide a better user experience. In general, cookies are used to retain user preferences, store information for things like shopping baskets, and provide anonymised tracking data to third party applications like Google Analytics. As a rule, cookies will make your browsing experience better. However, you may prefer to disable cookies on this site and on others. The most effective way to do this is to disable cookies in your browser. We suggest consulting the Help section of your browser or taking a look at the About Cookies website which offers guidance for all modern browsers.
Health and Safety Policy
St Gregory's Church Sudbury
Health and Safety Policy
(reviewed and approved by the PCC 8th January 2019)
This document is in six sections:
A. General statement of policy
B. Organisation and responsibilities
C. Risk assessments and Procedures
D. Contact addresses and telephone numbers
E. Inspections Lists
To all members of the congregation, voluntary helpers and contractors:
The success of this policy will depend on your co-operation. It is therefore important that you read this document carefully and understand your role and the overall arrangements for health and safety
A General statement of policy
Our policy, so far as is reasonably practicable, is to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, equipment and systems of work for all our employees, casual labour and voluntary helpers, and to provide such information, training and supervision as they need for this purpose.We will also endeavour to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of all members of the congregation, contractors, visitors and others who may visit the church, churchyard and any associated buildings.The allocation of duties for safety matters and the particular arrangements that we will make to implement the policy are set out below.The policy will be kept up to date, particularly in the light of any changes to our buildings or activities. To ensure this, the policy and the way in which it has operated will be reviewed regularly and the appropriate changes made.In order to ensure that health and safety matters are kept constantly under review, an item on health and safety will be on the agenda for all meetings of the Parochial Church Council, and members of the congregation will be consulted on a regular basis in order to seek their views on health and safety matters.
Church Warden(s)
Review date: January 2020
B. Organisation and responsibilities
Responsibility of the Parochial Church Council
Overall responsibility for health and safety is that of the Parochial Church Council under the leadership of the Rev Canon Cheryl Collins
Responsibility of the Health and Safety Officer
Antony Arbuthnot and in his absence, Peter Attridge carry the responsibility for the day-to-day implementation of the arrangements outlined in this policy who will ensure that arrangements are in place to satisfy health and safety regulations and appropriate Codes of Practice. Specific responsibilities may be delegated to individual members of the congregation. As new projects emerge, the names of responsible persons will be notified and the list amended accordingly.
Responsibility of the Incumbent and Churchwardens
Responsibility to ensure that the arrangements outlined in this policy are carried out and updated as necessary is with the Incumbent and Churchwardens, as noted below
The responsibility of the health and safety officer shall be to:
• Be familiar with health and safety regulations as far they concern church premises.
• Be familiar with the health and safety policy and arrangements and ensure they are observed.
• Ensure so far as is reasonably practicable, that safe systems of work are in place.
• Ensure the church is clean and tidy.
• Ensure the churchyard is properly maintained by Sudbury Town Council including the safety of monuments, tombstones and trees, and that the grass is kept cut.
• Be sure that safety equipment and clothing is provided and used by all personnel, where this is required within the church.
• Ensure that all plant, equipment and tools are properly maintained and in good condition and that all operators have received the appropriate training.
• Ensure that adequate access and egress is maintained.
• Ensure fire alarm is tested, as required, and records kept.
• Ensure adequate firefighting equipment is available and maintained.
• Ensure that food hygiene regulations and procedures are observed.
Responsibility of members of the congregation
To Cooperate in the implementation of this health and safety policy.
All members of the congregation visitors and contractors have a responsibility to take reasonable care of themselves and others whilst on church business or premises.
They must therefore:
• Comply with safety rules, operating instructions and working procedures.
• Use protective clothing and equipment when it is required.
• Report any fault or defect in equipment immediately to the appropriate person
• Report all accidents (however minor), injuries, near misses or other potential safety hazards as soon as possible.
• Not misuse anything provided in the interests of health and safety.
Responsible persons
The following are responsible for safety in particular areas:
By activity
The first line of response relating to a problem of equipment or services within the church is to the Fabric Committee Chairperson
(currently Antony Arbuthnot) and or Church Wardens who will contact the required responder either external contractor or members of the Fabric committee.
Accident book/Accident reporting Antony Arbuthnot
Testing of fire alarm and records June Freeman and in her absence Colin Deeks.
Fire extinguishers Antony Arbuthnot
Emergency evacuation Antony Arbuthnot
Portable electrical appliances Colin Deeks
Fixed electrical system Colin Deeks
Gas equipment Antony Arbuthnot
Hazardous substances Antony Arbuthnot
Plant and machinery Antony Arbuthnot
Condition of floors and stairs Antony Arbuthnot
Condition of churchyard Sudbury Council
Light bulb changing External Contractor
Working at high levels External Contractor
Food preparation Sue Attride
Manual handling Antony Arbuthnot
Building defects/glazing Fabric Committee Chairperson
Child protection June Freeman
Personal safety Church wardens
Fêtes and outings: these will be assessed by Antony Arbuthnot as and when required who will report to the PCC
Tower tours Church Wardens
Bell ringing Derek Rose
Contractors Fabric Committee Chairperson/Church wardens
Choirs/music Tom Cogan
Health and safety training Antony Arbuthnot
First Aid Box Antony Arbuthnot
By area
Main body of church Chapels Fabric Committee Chairperson /Church Wardens
Vestry- Fabric Committee Chairperson/Church Wardens
Organ loft- Tom Cogan
Ringing chamber and Bell chamber- Derek Rose
Kitchens -Sue Attride
Churchyard- Sudbury Council
C Procedures and risk Assessments
This section sets out our arrangements to minimise as far as is reasonably practicable risks to the health and safety of employees, voluntary workers, members of the congregation, visitors and contractors. It also explains the risks we have identified and the steps we have taken to reduce them.
Accidents and first aid
The First aid box is located in the cupboard under the hymn book shelf. Trained/qualified First Aiders are Mandy Turner, Pete and Marion Attride, Phyllis Felton and Pauline Brown. The accident book is located in the cupboard under the hymn books. All accidents and incidents are entered in the accident book or on an Accident report form and at the discretion of the Health and safety Officer our insurers will be advised.If the church is let to outside organisations, they will be told in writing that in the event of an accident, our Health and Safety Officer must be informed. Accident books and accident records are regularly reviewed. All accidents will be reported to the Health and Safety Officer.
Steps to be taken in the event of an accident
The investigation of any accidents and dangerous occurrences will be carried out as soon as possible after the event.
The following information will be recorded in the accident book
• The activity being performed
• contributory factors
• injured person’s experience in performing the task or being involved in the situation that caused the injury
• witness names and details
• witness statements
• measures taken.
• The status of the person involved in the accident is important and must be clearly stated on the investigation report form.
• The Health and Safety Officer must report all deaths or serious injuries to the HSE.
Fire safety
A fire risk assessment prepared by Safelincs is copied at the end of this Policy. The work specified will be done as soon as possible. At any event when the number of people attending the Church (whether during a service or other event) exceeds 150 persons the following procedures will be followed
• The priest in charge conducting the service or the person organising the event will announce at the beginning, the position of the exits.
• At least four members of the congregation or event organiser ( or more if more are available) will be delegated the following duties:
(a) One of them will remain beside the North and
South doors throughout the service or event.
(b) The locking bar to the North door will be removed at
the start.
(c) No one will be allowed to stand or sit nearer than 10
feet from either door unless it remains open.
(d) In the event that it is necessary to evacuate the
Church the other two fire stewards will be
given the responsibility of guiding the congregation
evenly out of the church through the two doors.
(e) Particular attention will be given to any one attending the church who is in a wheel chair or appears to have any mobility or sight problems and the Fire Stewards will ensure that they are assisted to exit but without impeding the rest of the congregation’s exit
(f) Everyone will be instructed to assemble beside the
War Memorial.
(g) One of the Fire Stewards will call the Fire Brigade
(h) Provided that it is safe to do so the Fire Stewards will check that no one is in the vestry or toilets and tackle the Fire with the extinguishers.
The priest in charge or event organiser will satisfy themselves that there are at least four stewards suitably trained on these procedures and that they are aware of their instructions.
There are six high visibility jackets to be worn by fire stewards during the service or event.
Fire Alarm
The fire alarm is tested alternate weeks and duly recorded and records are kept in the vestry.
Emergency Lighting test.
The alarm system control box is in the disabled toilet. For both Zone 1 and Zone 2 The alarm test point is upstairs in the balcony above the toilets. One person needs to be upstairs at test point and one at control box. Once the alarm is tested the person at the control box shuts the alarm off. If all is satisfactory a record is entered in the lighting record. The test is carried out monthly.
Fire extinguishers are kept in the following locations:
Type of extinguisher and capacity
Church Entrance 6 litre water
Bell Tower 3 litre foam
Vestry 6 litre foam
Organ 2 kg carbon dioxide
The extinguishers noted are checked every six months by the responsible person to ensure that they are still in place and have not been discharged. Checked 13/5/18
The extinguishers are also checked annually by the approved contractor
Responsibility for using each fire extinguisher will be allotted to named and trained stewards
St Gregory’s Church - Procedure for using candles in church
While candles help us to focus on the love and light of Christ and are an important part of our worship and prayer, they are also a naked flame which holds a strong hazard of fire damage to person and property.
It is therefore important that anyone taking a service using candles in any way should have read the appropriate Risk Assessment and be prepared to take responsibility for seeing that safety precautions are followed to reduce that risk.
The church wardens and the celebrant should make sure that the congregation are aware of the safety precautions before a service where they will be processing with candles.
They should explain to baptism families about the safety precautions of holding lighted candles.
Decorative candles can give a lot to a service in atmosphere but can also be very dangerous so care in positioning and handling is essential.
The Health and Safety officer must be asked to approve the layout and use of candles wherever possible.
The Church Wardens and health and Safety Officer should be aware of the danger from other flammable decorations in the vicinity of naked flames.
General guidelines to reduce the risks when using candles.
• Put candle on a heat-resistant surface – and be especially careful with tea lights, which get hot enough to melt plastic. Putting on a carpet, the choir stalls or on the top of the book shelves at the back of the Church even out of the way of traffic, is not safe.
• If candles are held, they must have a finger guard and the person understand the dangers of hair, clothes or papers catching fire. If they do not feel safe they are better not taking the candle.
• Make sure they are held firmly upright by the holder so they won't fall over; the holder needs to be stable too, so it won't fall over either.
• Don't put candles near curtains, or other fabrics or furniture - and keep them out of draughts or sweeping gowns.
• Don't put them under shelves - make sure there's at least one metre (three feet) between a candle and any surface above it. Do not put near greenery or other decorations.
• Keep clothes and hair away from the naked flame - if there's any chance someone could forget/not notice a candle is there and lean across or brush past it, put it somewhere else.
• Candles should always be sited out of the reach of children. Adults should supervise lighting a candle.
• Leave at least four inches (10 cms) between any two candles.
• Extinguish candles before moving them and don't let anything fall into the hot wax, like matchsticks.
• Don't leave them burning – you should extinguish candles before you leave.
• Use a snuffer or a spoon to put them out - blowing them can send sparks and hot wax flying – and double-check that they're completely out and not still smouldering.
• Ensure that no one is carrying a candle which is too heavy for them
Have a foam fire extinguisher or a fire blanket available when candles are used.
Electrical safety
Risk Assessment
The risk of anyone being electrocuted is low but the consequences could be fatal.
A list of all our portable electrical appliances is set out at the end of this document.
Every six months plugs, cables and sockets will be inspected by the responsible person to ensure that there are no loose connections, worn flexes or trailing leads. Anyone who finds repairs needed should inform the Health and Safety officer or a Church warden
Every year all our portable electrical equipment will be PAT tested by a competent person with an appropriate level of electrical knowledge and experience; that has the correct equipment to complete the tests, knows how to use it and can correctly interpret the results.
Any unsafe equipment will be safely disposed of.Every year a visual inspection will be carried out of the fixed electrical installation by the responsible person.Any defects will be reported to Church Wardens or the Health and safety officer for action.Every five years, our fixed electrical system will be inspected and tested by a competent contractor who is a ‘Full Scope’ member of the NICEIC, ECA or NAPIT. Any necessary remedial work will be carried out. At intervals of not more than two and a half years our lightning conductor system will be examined and tested by a competent specialist firm of lightning engineers.It is our policy not to sell any second-hand electrical goods unless they have been inspected and tested by a suitably qualified person.
All members of the congregation must observe the following:
Visually check all electrical equipment before use..
Report all faults immediately to the responsible person
Not attempt to use or repair faulty equipment.
No electrical equipment is to be brought into the church and used until it has been inspected by the approved person, PAT tested and entered in the electrical equipment record.
Electrical equipment should be switched off and disconnected when not in use for long periods.
Flexible cables should be positioned and protected so that they do not constitute a tripping hazard and are not subject to mechanical damage.
Gas equipment safety
Risk Assessment
The risk of injury or damage caused by a gas leak are very low but the consequences of a gas explosion could be fatal and the damage to property extensive
Our gas boilers and any other gas equipment is maintained and checked annually by a competent contractor who is registered with the Gas Safe Register. Any necessary work required for safety is implemented immediately.
We have no LPG heaters at present but will review our procedures if we acquire any in the future.
Hazardous substances
Risk Assessment
The chances of anyone accidentally consuming a poisonous substances are low but the risk of skin damage and fire are higher. We only use standard household cleaning materials.There is a list of all hazardous substances used in the church at the end of this document.Where possible, we have eliminated the use of hazardous substances. Where this is not possible, our safety arrangements are as follows:For all hazardous substances, which include substances marked as ‘harmful, irritant, corrosive, toxic, very toxic, flammable, highly flammable, extremely flammable, explosive, oxidising or dangerous for the environment’, data sheets or product information provided by the manufacturers are checked to determine the correct method of use, protective clothing needed, method of storage, and action to take in the event of an accident.Persons using such substances must not mix chemicals.No chemicals will be stored in unmarked containers.
Safety of plant and machinery
Risk Assessment
As we do not normally use any plant and machinery other than for normal cleaning the risk of injury caused would normally be very low but we recognise that there might be occasions when we would bring in such items for a special use and in those circumstances the risk increases. The responsible person will maintain a list of all items of plant and machinery if any used in the Church.
The procedures for checking and rules for use are as follows:
Members of the congregation must not operate plant or machinery that they are not trained and authorised to use.
Members of the congregation must not ride on any parts of machinery not intended for that use.
Machinery must be switched off and isolated before any adjustments are made.
After carrying out maintenance and adjustments, all guards must be replaced before the machinery is used.
Before using any item of plant or machinery, a check must be made to ensure it is in a safe working condition, correctly adjusted, and there are no loose nuts, bolts or other defects.
The appropriate personal protective equipment detailed must worn when operating any item of plant or machinery.
Any person under the age of 18 may use hand tools only and are not permitted to operate any power driven item of plant or machinery.
Any defect and damage found to any item of plant or machinery must be reported to the responsible person.
All plant and machinery will be regularly maintained and a schedule kept of maintenance requirements.
Persons must not work on their own unless they have a means of communication and have notified a member of the PCC of the details of the work being undertaken and agreed a procedure to ensure their safety is checked on.
Slips, trips and falls –
Condition of floors, steps and paths
Risk Assessment
During an inspection on 2nd October 2017 by Antony Arbuthnot and Colin Deeks we noted that
1. The paving slabs in front of the entrance Porch are becoming decayed and uneven
2. There is an area of the path leading to the Croft which has subsided
3. The grass in encroaching on to the path leading to Gainsborough Road.
These points have been drawn to the Council’s attention who have suggested that we obtain quotes to have them repaired. Subject to these points there are no obviously large uneven areas of the floor within the Church likely to cause someone of moderate alertness to trip or fall but we recognise that a significant proportion of the congregation and visitors to the Church are elderly and therefore more vulnerable. Outside the condition of the paths giving access to the Church is generally good but again we recognise that the elderly are more at risk.
In order to reduce as far as is reasonably practicable the risk of slips, trips and falls, an inspection will be made every six months by the responsible person
Floors and steps in the church and churchyard.
Particular note will be made of moss, algae and leaves on paths. Any defects outside the building will be reported to Sudbury Council with a request that they carry out repairs or remedial measures.
Any member of the congregation carrying out routine maintenance or cleaning within the Church or in the Churchyard must wear suitable protective clothing. If hypodermic syringes are found they must be handles with gloves and be disposed of safely.
The first floor of the vestry is used as a general storage area and also contains old accounts. Some of the information in the accounts is confidential. To reduce the risk of people being injured in the vestry storage area by tripping or something falling on them access to the vestry has been restricted
In order to ensure that the church is adequately lit, an inspection will be made every 12 weeks by the responsible person to ensure that all lights in the church and churchyard are working. Any bulbs that require replacing will be reported as previously specified. The person responsible will ensure that the bulbs are replaced .Each situation will be assessed taking into account the height of the bulbs above ground and the difficulties involved and where necessary a contractor will be brought in to do the job.
Working at high levels
Risk Assessment
The chances of someone suffering serious injury whilst working at height within the Church is high.Any routine maintenance needed in excess of five feet above the ground will normally be done by contractors.If work above this height is to be done by a member of the congregation or contractors the following procedures must be followed:
Any work involving the use of ladders will normally only be done by contractors and not by the congregation but there are limited exceptions to this rule for example fixing Christmas decorations or changing some light bulbs.
When using a ladder the following should be considered:
Never use a ladder unless there are two people present one of whom should remain at the bottom holding the ladder
Keep your body facing the ladder at all times, centred between the stiles.
Do not reach too far forwards or sideways or stand with one foot on the ladder and one on something else
Do not over stretch.
Climb down the ladder and move it however time-consuming this might be.
Keep both hands free to hold the ladder as much as possible.
If you need to carry tools, use a shoulder bag, belt holster or belt hooks.
Use a rung hook for hanging a paint pot on to the ladder with one hand.
When working wear strong, flat shoes or boots with dry soles and a good grip. Do not wear sandals, slip-ons or have bare feet.
Do not use a ladder in strong winds or if it is raining.
Only use a ladder if you feel completely confident.
Do not use a ladder near overhead power lines.
Ladders will be inspected annually by the Health and Safety officer and duly noted.
Food Hygiene
Risk Assessment
We recognise the risk of serving food or drink which could cause an allergic reaction and that the consequences could be fatal. We also realise the need for appropriate Hygiene. As we do not prepare food at the Church for consumption in the Church we are unable to check the conditions in which individual members of the congregation may prepare and cook it. The Babergh District Council have confirmed we do not need to be registered with them. We have also noted that Sue Attride’s training Certificate recommends that she should have further training after 27th May 2017 but this has not yet happened. . Antony Arbuthnot has spoken to Vincent from Babergh DC ( 07825421225) who has confirmed there is no legal requirement that this should be done but that it is desirable. Sue has agreed to do a refresher course on line.
However we will follow the following basic requirements:
No food will be cooked at the Church. Only food prepared at home or purchased already cooked will be served.
The kitchen area will be kept clean and maintained in good repair and condition to avoid, as far as reasonably. practicable, the risk of contamination, particularly from animals and pests.
Appropriate facilities must be provided to maintain adequate personal hygiene, including hygienic hand washing, toilet, and, where necessary, changing facilities.
Preparation surfaces must be well maintained and easy to clean and disinfect.
Adequate facilities must be provided for cleaning and disinfection of work, utensils and equipment.
There must be an adequate supply of hot and/or cold water, including drinking water.
There must be adequate arrangements for the storage and disposal of waste
There must be adequate arrangements for the storage of food at suitable temperatures and the monitoring of those temperatures food must be placed in a way that avoids contamination, so far as is reasonably practical
Every person working in a food handling area must maintain a high level of personal cleanliness.
People suffering from, or suspected of carrying a disease transmittable by food or with open wounds, skin infections, sores, or with diarrhoea must not handle food or enter a food handling area.
A sign will be exhibited on each item of food warning members of the public about food allergies at any event at which food is being served.
We will ensure that members of the congregation who are responsible for food handling have received adequate supervision, instruction and training.
We ensure that the appropriate assessment of risks is carried out for the foods that have been prepared and stored including storage at the correct temperatures before any preparation commences.
Anyone hiring the church must acquaint themselves with those procedures.
There will be two people on duty. Marjorie McDonnell will phone you during the week to remind you and if you are unable to take your turn, please arrange a swap and write this on the rota.
It’s helpful to let Marjorie know as well (Phone: ).
• When on ‘coffee duty’, please bring biscuits and arrive to set up and switch hot water on, half an hour before the service begins.
Dishwasher needs switching on now (on the washer, not just at the wall) as it takes a while to heat.
Keys to the servery hang in cupboard over sink in vestry – return when finished.
• Hands need to be washed before starting and before serving.
Clean hand and tea towels are in a cupboard. Please take these home to wash and return as soon as convenient.
Supplies of teas, coffees and sugar, with spares are kept in the cupboards.
• Milk will be in the fridge – please use the earliest use-by date first. Discard any that is out of date.
• The coffee table top needs wet-wiping or cleaning with anti-bacterial spray.
• Two plates of biscuits are put out, covered with kitchen roll during the service.
There are no ‘rules’ as to how drinks are served but as a guide:
• It’s useful to make a pot of tea first to allow brewing time.
Coffee is usually served in two tall glass jugs. Three flat dessert spoons of coffee are about the right strength.
• Milk can be added by the ‘customer’. Two jugs are useful for this.
• Used mugs may be washed by hand but we do have an industrial which is quick and easy to use. Instructions are on the work top and instructions will be willingly given. It’s important that it is emptied and shut down when it has finished.
• Mugs need to be checked (sometimes black coffee, strong tea leave stains).
When hot, the mugs are easily dried and ready to be returned to the storage box.
• Teas, coffees and sugars need to be topped up from the spares box. If anything is running out, let Marjorie McConnell know (phone: 370922) then she will obtain more.
• The servery bin needs emptying into the churchyard bin and a clean waste bag liner put in.
Manual handling –lifting, carrying and moving loads
Risk Assessment
Members of the congregation regularly assist in moving chairs tables and sometimes the altar rail, some of which are heavy. There is a moderate risk of someone suffering an injury whilst doing this. The PCC recognise that it is difficult to organise this on a formal basis because of the random events that occur and that the work is done by whoever is available and willing to help on the day. Some members of the congregation attended a talk about manual handling given by a qualified trainer on 10th December 2016. Our policy is to eliminate the need for manual handling so far as far as is reasonably practicable.Where it is not possible to avoid the need to move loads, we will make use of lifting aids, including trolleys, lifts and hoists as far as possible.
Hazardous buildings/glazing
Risk Assessment
No part of the structure of the Church including glazing is inherently dangerous.Our policy is to ensure that our buildings are safe and without risks to the health, safety and welfare of all who work in and use them. In order to achieve this, the buildings are inspected every six months by the responsible person. Any defects noted are immediately reported to the Chairperson of the fabric Committee and the procedures put in hand for repairs.Where necessary, temporary measures are taken to ensure that there is no risk of accident or injury until permanent repairs can be carried out.
Sale of Second Hand Goods
Risk Assessment
At coffee morning and in the event that a fete is held we frequently run a stall selling second hand goods.We recognise the risk of selling electrical apparatus which has not been adequately checked and the possibility of someone suffering serious injury or even death caused by faulty goods.We will not sell any electrical appliances even if they appear new or unused. The organiser of these events will in any event check every item and not offer for sale any item which appear dangerous.
Child protection
A statement upholding our procedures will be made at each annual church meeting and be suitably recorded.
Our Policy is set out at the end of this Document.
A permanent record will be maintained of all accidents or incidents involving children.
Risk Assessment
The blower shed containing the organ blower equipment ( which is outside the Church) has an Asbestos roof. This has been inspected by a specialist Asbestos Company who confirm that the risk associated with it is extremely low but as a cautionary measure the underside of the roof can be sprayed and the PCC have agreed this should be done when funds are available.
Apart from that The PCC consider that the chances of there being any other Asbestos in the Church to be extremely low so as not to warrant the immediate need for an Asbestos survey.
Personal safety
Counting and banking cash
Risk assessment
There is a risk that any member of the congregation who is counting the cash or delivering it to the bank following a service or event when we sell tickets on the door could be attacked during a robbery.Not less than two of the congregation will count the cash and be involved in banking the money. In view of the public nature of this document other procedures that are applied are not set out here but are recorded in the PCC minutes.
Assaults on people in the Church
Risk Assessment
It is in the nature of the function of the church that it is open to any member of the public every day. Individuals may attend on their own or in groups as they choose. The Church is occasionally used as a refuge by people with personal problems and people have been found asleep in it occasionally having consumed excess alcohol. We recognise that there is a small risk that such a person might be in a mentally unstable state of mind and be capable of assaulting another person if they felt challenged. Members of the congregation who are given the responsibility of locking the Church each evening are particularly vulnerable.
Anyone who enters the Church on their own must avoid confrontation at all costs. If they are suspicious or concerned about the welfare of anyone found in the Church then they should call for assistance if necessary from the police. A mental health helpline list is also available.
The Risks
This list is not exhaustive but identifies some of the risks faced:
• Physical accident (from injury, fire etc, such as when using kitchen or maintenance equipment when there is no one available to fetch help if necessary).
• Sudden illness, again when there is no one to raise the alarm.
• Physical violence or threat of abuse in any form from a visitor.
• Sexual behaviour or advances deemed to be inappropriate or threatening.
• Accusations by a visitor of inappropriate behaviour by staff/volunteers when there are no witnesses.
• Stress caused by working in isolation or from abusive calls or digital media.
The PCC and Church Wardens:
• Should show that reasonably foreseeable risks have been identified and updated regularly with appropriate action taken to minimise them. They should also ensure that there is adequate insurance cover for all lone working, with standard practices adhered to, for example, that accident books are in place and properly monitored.
• Should equip vulnerable staff with appropriate communications tools so they can summon help when needed.
• Should ensure that every member of the Church feels that the PCC has taken all reasonable steps to ensure their safety.
• Should insist that everyone follows the guidelines laid down on safe solo working.
Individuals should:
• ensure that they do not put themselves in unnecessary danger.
• If possible undertake visits in pairs.
• Do not agree to meet anyone in an isolated place.
• Be alert to possible dangers and minimise them. For example keep lights on until a building is completely vacated, use safety guards on power tools and do not use them when in the building alone.
• Inform the Wardens or Rector of any suspicious behaviour noted or any threats made to them.
• When working in the Church alone (or visiting someone in their home) make sure someone knows where you are, and what time you are due home. Get them to check on you if you are not home when expected and if they can’t contact you, to raise the alarm.
• Carry a charged mobile phone with you to use in case of an emergency.
• Do not work at heights when alone; do not use power or sharp tools when alone.
• If working in the Vestry alone, lock the door and remove the key from the lock once locked. Carry it with you at all times.
Tower Tours
Risk Assessment
The steps in the Tower are narrow and steep. The risk of someone slipping is high and the injury that could occur could be fatal. Furthermore there is also a risk of someone falling from the top of the tower because there are inadequate rails around the edge
No one must ascend the tower on their own. Tower visits will only be allowed as part of organised tours. Before any tower tour starts a member of the congregation will be appointed to lead the tour on the day: “the leader”.The leader will carry out an inspection of the tower before anyone is allowed to go up to check that there are no apparent safety issues.
The maximum number on a tower tour at any one time should not exceed 12 people including the stewards.
No children under the age of twelve years should be allowed on such a tour and all children under the age of 16 years should be accompanied by an adult.
All large items of baggage etc. should be left at ground level and each visitor should have ‘both hands free.’
A minimum of two stewards should escort parties with one at the top of the tower and one remaining at the bottom throughout the tour. The leader will ensure that both stewards (and any substitutes) have mobile phones and the telephone numbers.
Stewards should be able bodied and be aged at least 18 years.
A new tour should not commence until all visitors on the previous tour have descended to the ground and have been accounted for.
Notices are displayed explaining the difficulty of the climb highlighting that the climb is not suitable for those who are elderly, infirm, disabled, pregnant, suffer from heart or respiratory disorders or from any other medical condition which could be affected by the climb. The notice will also makes it clear that suitable clothing and footwear should be worn. Stewards should draw the attention of visitors to the notice, before the ascent is undertaken.
Smoking is prohibited.
A rope handrails has been provided on both walls of the staircase. Adequate lighting of the bulkhead variety is provided along the entire route and must be checked by the stewards before each tour commences.
Access points to other high level areas, eg roofs, roof spaces bell ringing chamber and bell chamber along the route must be secured by locked doors.
Access to the tower roof will only be permitted during fine weather
On the roof the steward will instruct the visitors to remain on the wooden flooring and under no circumstances to approach the edge.
In the event that a queue forms of people wishing to go up the tower cloak room tickets will be issued to them
Balcony above the Tower
In view of the dangerous state of the steps giving access to the balcony
(as noted above) there is a considerable danger to anyone using the balcony for any reason.
In very large congregations (e.g. the Candle-lit Carol Service and Remembrance Day) there have been occasions in the past when the balcony has been used to seat additional people. In view of the difficulty in properly supervising this arrangement and taking in to account the dangers of someone falling on the stairs this area will only be used as an overflow by prior arrangement with the Churchwardens. The group concerned will be asked to ensure that all members of it are aware of the dangers involved before going up. It will not be used as a storage area.
Bell Ringing
Risk Assessment
There are considerable risks to anyone not fully conversant with the safety procedures associated with bell ringing of an accident which could lead to a fatality in entering the bell ringing chamber or the loft above where the bells are hung.
The key to the Tower will not be left in the vestry.Bells should be left in the ‘down’ position when not in use during the working week between 7a.m. Monday and 6p.m. Friday with Public Holidays excepted.
Outside this period, if bells are left in the ‘up’ position then the ropes must be hoisted towards the ceiling on a ‘spider’ and locked in position.
Notices warning that the bells are ‘up’ and that the ropes must not be touched should be displayed in the ringing chamber.
The access door to the bell chamber must be kept locked, a danger notice exhibited. One key will be kept in the control of the Ringing Master or deputy and another of one of the Church wardens. The key to the tower will not be kept in the vestry.
If access is required to the bell chamber during the weekend, whilst the bells are ‘up’, then this must be under the control of the Ringing Master or deputy.
Adult ringers
The resident Ringing Master, or other person responsible for tower safety, must take reasonable steps to ensure that they are satisfied that all adult ringers (those aged 18 years and over) including visiting ringers are competent, in good health, and of suitable height and build. ‘Competent’ means that ringers have sufficient experience in the opinion of the Ringing Master, or be in the process of being trained in bell ringing. The Ringing Master must warn visiting ringers of the particular circumstances attached to the tower.
Junior ringers
Junior ringers must be at least eight years old.
Written consent must be obtained from a parent or guardian for each child to ring or to be taught to ring.
Children must be in good health, and of suitable height, build and temperament.
Children must be suitably experienced or be in the process of being taught to ring. It should be at the discretion of the Ringing Master as to whether or not a child is suitable.
At least one responsible adult other than the Ringing Master (eg the parent of one of the children present, or an experienced adult ringer) must be present when children are in the bell tower.
A record should be maintained of each junior ringer’s instruction and training, and their level of competence.
Special conditions concerning heavy rings of bells
Rings of bells where the tenor weighs 20cwt or more may additionally be left in the ‘up’ position during the working week, providing that the following conditions are met.
The bell-frame must be secured against any person being able to come into contact with the bells without the authority of the Ringing Master. This may be done by caging in the bell-frame, fencing any walkway or securing any door adjacent to the bell-frame with materials sufficiently robust to prevent access.
A single controlled door in the cage or screen shall be provided with a single key, which shall remain in the control of the Ringing Master or deputy whilst the bells are up. Where no access route to another part of the building passes through the bell chamber, the access door to the bell chamber itself may be considered the controlled door.
Turning the clappers of bells up ‘wrong’
Where it is necessary to turn the clapper of a bell to the ‘right’ side after ringing bells ‘up’ then the following must be observed:
The procedure for turning the clapper must be specified in
detail and approved by Ecclesiastical. A copy shall be displayed prominently in the ringing chamber.
Only the Ringing Master or other trained deputy shall be
allowed to carry out the procedure.
Bell maintenance
All maintenance should be undertaken with the bells ‘down’ either by, or under the direction of the Steeple Keeper. A second person should be present with the Steeple Keeper during maintenance operations to assist and take action in the event of an emergency. Lone working should be avoided. However, where this is not possible, a Steeple Keeper working alone amongst the bells must take steps to advise another responsible person of their proposed activity and timescale. They must undertake to advise the responsible person at a prescribed time of the completion of the task. Failing receipt of such advice, the responsible person must take immediate steps to ascertain the safety of the Steeple Keeper. Unauthorised access to the ringing chamber must be prohibited whilst work is being undertaken on the bells and/or bell frame.
Anyone entering church premises for the purposes of carrying out work, other than an employee or voluntary worker of the church, will be regarded as a contractor.
All contractors, including the self-employed, must abide by the following:
They must:
Have their own health and safety policy (where required by law) and be able to provide a copy of the same.
Produce evidence that they have appropriate Public and Employers’ Liability insurance in place. A record of this evidence will be maintained.
Comply with all the requirements of this health and safety policy and co-operate with the church officials in providing a safe place of work and a safe system of operation.
Where plant and machinery is brought onto the church premises by contractors, they must be able to show where necessary that the equipment has been inspected and tested to ensure Safe operation.
Only use sub-contractors or persons other than their own direct employees with the express permission of the church officials. However, responsibility will remain with the contractors.
All contractors will be given detailed instructions regarding the areas where they are permitted to work and the extent of the work they are authorised to undertake. This ‘permit to work’ will also specify any safety precautions they must undertake. Detailed arrangements, procedures and individual risk assessments.
Approved contractors and contact details.
M J Maynard & Son (Electrical)
Wayside Park Road
Sudbury CO102QB
01787 881813
The Fire Extinguisher Man
Juniper House
Mellis Road
Suffolk IP238DB
01379 788692
Nortek Global HVAC
Fens Pool Avenue
Brierley Hill
West Midlands DY51QA 01384489718
Local Contact Simon Cridge 07070914430
F A Valiant & Son ltd
36 Bury Road
Bury St Edmunds
Suffolk IP295AB
01284 810297
Dirk Barrett
11 Ash Grove
Gt Cornard
Philip Orchard
18 Hatter Street
Bury S Edmunds
Miscellaneous documents
e-mail - Sudbury Town Council to A Arbuthnot 16.12.2015
e-mail - David Bishop and Son to A Arbuthnot 7.3.16
e-mail - Emma Richbell Babergh DC to A Arbuthnot 19thMay 2016
Susan Attride Food Catering Certificate (expires 27.5.17 )Margeret Tracey Food Catering Certificate ( expires 27.5.17)
Mandy Turner First Aid Certificate (14.3.19)
Bishops Policy safeguarding children
PAT testing Certificate ( date of Inspection 18.01.2018)
Electrical Installation Condition Report ( date of inspection 18.8.2016)
Training Notes Lifting and handling
Inspections Lists of Equipment
Hazardous Substances
There are various items of household cleaning substances stored in the cupboard by the main entrance. Some will be flammable but none stated to be harmful
Reviewed 13/5/2018
lock needs putting on cupboard
Electrical Equipment
Vestry Cupboard contains quantity of wine and some candles but not considered to be a fire risk
Flower Cupboard in Tower
Industrial vacuum cleaner NIL FISK TYPE GST last checked by electrician January 2018 good condition no apparent defects
Cyclonic Ulva Vacuum cleaner GST last checked by electrician January 2018 good condition no apparent defects
( Not there when cupboard checked on 13/5/2018)
Bionnaire Heater
GST last checked by electrician January 2018 good condition no apparent defects
Quickhit electric heater
GST last checked by electrician January 2018 good condition no apparent defects
Two electric kettles
GST last checked by electrician January 2018 good condition no apparent defects
One Sony radio GST last checked by electrician January 2018 good condition no apparent defects
Christmas Lights and Electric Organ
Jerry Maynard looked at these in October 2017 and confirmed that they do not need PAT testing because the adaptor plugs have been tested
Sound System Not Checked
Reviewed 13/5/2018
Plant and Machinery
Reviewed 13/5/2018
One metal five foot stepladder good condition
One new 8 foot step ladder
Organ loft
Three 12 foot metal ladders
Good condition
Reviewed 13/5/2018
Risk of falls within Church and churchyard
Work needs doing on paving slabs at entrance porch and on the path leading to the Croft. . We have contacted Sudbury Council requesting them to deal with this. Otherwise there are no immediately obvious places of danger with the Church or churchyard
reviewed 13/5/2018
Lighting all working properly
Reviewed 13/5/2018
Disability Policy
St Gregory’s Church, Sudbury
Disability Policy
St Gregory’s Parochial Church Council (PCC) recognises that everyone has the right to be involved in all aspects of Church life and is, therefore, committed to people of all abilities having the opportunity to be involved in every aspect of Church life without discrimination. St Gregory’s PCC accepts that disabled people should be treated as having equal status with non-disabled people. St Gregory’s PCC is dedicated to the implementation and application of all legislation that protects disabled people and which applies to the Church.
St Gregory’s PCC will take all reasonable steps to implement the sections of the Equality Act (2010) that apply to disability. Disabled people are entitled to equal access to all aspects of Church life. St Gregory’s PCC will not tolerate any discriminatory behaviour, either direct or indirect, towards disabled people. St Gregory’s PCC will not treat anyone unfavourable because of something connected with their impairment. St Gregory’s PCC will not tolerate any harassment or victimisation of disabled people.
St Gregory’s PCC is committed to following good practice in implementing the Equality Act.
St Gregory’s PCC will follow good practice in its Safeguarding procedures both for children and vulnerable adults and will also adhere to Health and Safety legislation.
Date Signed Incumbent
Date of Review: Before or at the PCC meeting in one year from the date above.